** Dolphins are very intelligent than other creatures except humans. Even they are smarter than apes.
** A million years ago Dolphins lived on land. Scientists has proven this fact.
** Dolphins are incredibly social animals. They lived in groups as like as humans society. And Dolphins family bonding is also so strong. They also help the sick or injured members.
** Dolphins can communicate with each other by whistling. Scientists say that dolphins use their own developed language & they also give themselves names.

** Dolphins are very curious animals. And also they are very playful like as dogs.
** Dolphins have an instinct to help humans without any specific reason.
** Dolphins use ultrasound while hunting. It’s the same method which bat uses.
** While sleeping Dolphins keep half of their brain awake. This behaviour helps them to be safe from potential predators, and enables them to breathe while sleeping.
** Killing Dolphins was a punishable offence (to death) in Ancient Greece.
** Dolphins can’t chew their food even they have 100 sharp teeth. They swallow it as a whole. They use their teeth to catch their prey only.

** Dolphins are the only mammals that give birth with the tail first instead of the head.
** Dolphins have two stomachs. They use first stomach to store food & second one to digest.
** Every Dolphin has its own unique dorsal fin. It’s similar to human’s fingerprints.
** Dolphins can jump up to 20 feets in the air.

references :
Tags : Facts, Animals, Wildlife, Science,
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