rheum of Africa
Rheum of Africa (An Original Poem)
The love with lands surrounded by
the Mediterranean sea to north,
Sinai Peninsula keeps a house with whom?
Suez and red having room.
Forest and her ancient folk
always in our feelings and talk,
All the mankind having so curious
You,more I think mysterious.
Beauty of her smile peeking, a truth
I know the truth ,the truth
The photographer committing suicide
never conceding the painful sight.
A monster throwing away foods
In the water ,children of you
Crying crying for a grain.
The moribund acting his last sequence
Why? a vulture waiting, a question.
I love you, consider mother of lions
Smile revealing a secret, oh Africa!
Progresses of my art-work

Tags : Abstract, Art, Drawing, Painting, Poems, Poetry,
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